Lights on the Water

Had a pretty spectacular date yesterday with Bones. We went to the Viking Yule Market in Yorktown, which was right up my alley. Seeing everyone dressed up in garb made me both wish I had dressed up in mine, and that I had some historically accurate garb. There was a woman there weaving trim which was absolutely stunning, I had never seen it done in person before and the intricacy of her designs were awe-inspiring, even though she said they were beginner to moderate in difficulty. There were lots of pelts and bones and carved skulls and antlers and horns, oh my!

Despite rain, come nightfall there was a roaring bonfire on the beach. People surrounded it and sipped hot cocoa and cider as an old-timey marching band played traditional Christmas songs. As soon as the music ended, Bones and I followed the flock to the shore where he and I clambered onto wet rocks to get prime seats for the upcoming boat parade. One by one, boats festively decorated with lights cruised by, some simple and others extravagant. Our hoodies were soaked, our butts were numb, but we were still in good spirits by the time we headed back to the car. So much so, that when we passed a bright display of lights off the side of the road before we hit the Interstate, I quickly Googled how to get over to it. So if you’re anywhere near Newport News, I highly recommend the Celebration in Lights! It’s about two miles of very cute and unique light displays, and it’s only $12 per car.

We came back to my place to cozy up on the couch under warm blankets, ordered pizza, and I introduced Bones to one of my favorite movies ever, Stranger Than Fiction. Lion stopped by late in the movie to drop off the charge cord for my laptop, and hung around for the rest of the night, watching movies and YouTube videos with Yellow, Bones and I, while I was happily on the couch between them. Because it was nominally still my date with Bones, he got most of my attention, but it was still nice to see and have some physical contact with Lion again. I’m almost certainly going to get spoiled with all this time I’ve been getting with him.

On the less exciting side of things, my cat Ludo has been sick since Friday. We called then to make an appointment with his regular vet, but they won’t be seeing him until Monday. He’s still got an appetite, is still eating, drinking and using the litter box, but he’s clearly uncomfortable and keeps getting dehydrated. We are all keeping a very close eye on him in case we need to run him to an emergency vet at any time.

Lion gave me a short form to answer for daily journaling habits, and we spoke briefly today about my last blog entry here, touching on my decision to pick back up and carry on following my protocol. I’ve been getting into the habit of asking permission for things again. I asked permission for something I don’t need to ask for, and he questioned me about that the other day. My answer was that sometimes I just want to ask permission, sometimes I just want his permission, so I feel his control, his touch in my life, and I feel my submission to him.

I really hope I stay in good spirits this December. The first day was really great, full of yuletide spirits, good energy and great company. I even kinda want to decorate for Yule this year, which we haven’t done in three years! So, cheers to a good start.